Southfield Park Primary School, Epsom Monday 7th August to Friday 11th August 9am to 4.30pm £35 per day Gymnastics, parkour jumps and stunt sessions, vaulting, trampettes, springboards, wall bars, ropes and acro followed by arts and crafts, team games and cookery. Epsom Camp Registration Select Date (Press & hold the ctrl key to select multiple dates)Whole WeekMonday 7th AugustTuesday 8th AugustWednesday 9th AugustThursday 10th AugustFriday 11th AugustChild's NameDate of BirthAddress...School AttendedEmergency Contact Number#1Emergency Contact Number#2Parents' NameParent's Email Allergies / Medical ConditionsName of person collecting childData Protection:I do / do not give permission for photos to be taken of my son/daughter for marketing purposes - Please select Yes or No below. Yes No Aprons:All children will require an apron for arts and crafts. Crafty Critters can supply good quality machine-washable aprons for £8. Yes No Acceptance: I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of Crafty Critters Club and understand that my child’s place cannot now be transferred, refunded, credited or cancelled.Insert full name here as acceptanceDate